Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Climate Change

Climate Change

Throughout the only remaining century the consumption of non-renewable energy sources like coal and oil has expanded the centralization of environmental carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens in light of the fact that the coal or oil consuming procedure consolidates carbon with oxygen noticeable all around to make CO2. To a lesser degree, the clearing of land for agribusiness, industry, and other human activities has expanded convergences of ozone depleting substances causing the greenhouse effects.

The outcomes of changing the characteristic environmental greenhouse effect are hard to anticipate, yet certain impacts appear to be likely:

By and large, Earth will wind up hotter. A few districts on Earth may invite hotter temperatures, yet others may not.

Hotter conditions will presumably prompt more vanishing and precipitation generally speaking, however singular areas will fluctuate, some getting to be wetter such as flooding and others dryer becoming a desert land.

A more grounded greenhouse impact will warm the seas and mostly liquefy icy masses and
other ice, expanding ocean level. Sea water additionally will grow on the off chance that it warms, contributing further to ocean level ascent.

In the interim, a few yields of agriculture and different plants may react positively to expanded barometrical CO2, developing all the more enthusiastically and utilizing water all the more effectively. Simultaneously, higher temperatures and moving atmosphere examples may change the territories where yields develop best and influence the cosmetics of common plant networks in their own communities.

In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a gathering of 1,300 free logical scientific specialists from nations everywhere throughout the world under the protection of the United Nations, finished up there's an in excess of 95 percent likelihood that human activities in the course of recent years have warmed our planet.

The industries today that our cutting-edge human progress relies on, have raised barometrical carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per every million to 400 parts per each million over the most recent 150 years. The board likewise finished up there's a superior chance than 95 percent likelihood that human-created ozone depleting substances, for example, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused a significant part of the watched increment in Earth's temperatures in the course of recent years.

As a whole society we need to take a different path otherwise our future of our planet may be at risk. In the Ted Talk by Alice Bows she discusses the implication of what would happen if we do not change. Her theories are to change the way we do things as climate change occurs to reduce a four-degree weather path for Earth. We need to reduce emissions and decarbonize our energy system. We need to reduce energy demand whether it be in nuclear power, carbon capture and storage, biofuel production or rolling out wind turbines and wave turbines to be focus more on energy efficient. We need to implement energy policy in countries that uses higher energy than those that might be conserving energy already such as lower emissions and reducing energy consumption per capita.

To reduce our carbon footprint, we can do the following things:

1.     Become carbon neutrality by producing products that are generated through renewable energy projects and more energy efficient projects which bring developing countries to reduce greenhouse effect within the world.
2.     Invest in carbon reduction projects creating a carbon neutral environment which benefits biodiversity, education, jobs, food security and clean drinking water in developing countries.
3.     Increase more policies in developing countries to reduce carbon footprint assisting with energy savings plan, reducing climate changes, and increasing organizations sustainability programs.
4.     Plant trees and avoid deforestation programs which are business that supports them.  Look for logos that supports sustainability in the rainforest and other forest. Look for products that has FSC certification on them.
5.     Engage in learning and train people about sustainable goals, products, services and business models.

Electricity = 867 kWh at a factor of 0.2505 kgCO2e/kWh
Natural Gas = 557 therms
Propane = 3 US gallons
Total House Footprint = 0.65 metric tons of CO2e
Total car footprint = 0.15 metric tons of CO2e

What I want to achieve is:

Electricity = 400 kWh at a factor of 0.2505 kgCO2e/kWh
Natural Gas = 200 therms
Propane = 1 US gallons
Total House Footprint = 0.24 metric tons of CO2e
Total car footprint = 0.07 metric tons of CO2e

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