Sunday, December 15, 2019

Final Blog Post

Natural Resource Conservation Course NRM 12 at Santa Rosa Junior College

With increasing human pressure and a growing need to balance competing demands, we need new and better ways to manage society’s impacts on the environment. The natural resources management (NRM) program prepares students for careers requiring an understanding of the social, economic, biological, and physical aspects of solving problems associated with the management of natural resources for their highest and best uses for society while maintaining the integrity of life-sustaining ecological systems
The NRM course is part of the classes for your Natural Resource Sciences at Santa Rosa Junior College. The course is a management-oriented, interdisciplinary course that integrates the social, economic, physical, and biological aspects of natural resources. The course draws upon the courses and resources across the various colleges at the JC. An undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science, a graduate program leading to a Master of Science, a doctoral program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy, as well as a professional degree program, called a Master of Natural Resources Management are available to continue to study in.
In looking at the syllabus, the topics covered in this class I recommend to continue in the NRM 12 on-line courses should be the same subjects as what we have covered in class. Those subjects are as follows:
1.  Evaluate and prioritize sustainable management principles for forests and other natural resources. 
2.  Recommend sustainable uses of wood, water, forage, recreation and wilderness resources. 
3.  Summarize and discuss contemporary issues affecting the management and preservation of the nation's renewable natural resources for future generations. 
I highly recommend the subject on water conservation and sustainability in our local areas. I don’t want to remove anything as I have learned so much in this class. 
Examples which I can use to apply in my everyday life is being more sustainable in recycling and renewing certain products at home more than I would normally. I’m able to conserve more in my environment with my parents as we are watching our energy usage and how we are doing things to help with sustaining the environment.
Through the NRM course, students acquire a broad background in natural resources, as well as in-depth study in one or two emphasis areas of interest. The course exposes students to many disciplines—exactly the interdisciplinary approach society must take if it is to find solutions to complex environmental problems. I would see this as a future program to an Associate degree in the future.

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